We are seeing missing checkout history for some patrons in the catalog, impacting titles checked out from January 2025 through March 2025.
Not all patrons are affected. Some accounts tested have one or two titles missing, while at least one account had all titles missing for this period. We are continuing to investigate with both our current support and hosting vendor and Grove, our new support provider, focusing primarily on how we can restore this data.
The cause of this issue is still unknown, but it is a different issue than we experienced February 7th - 11th, which was a loss of data that we were able to restore through a backup. Unfortunately in this case, it seems that some of this data was not recorded so isn't present in a backup. Some patrons may experience a permanent loss of checkout history data.
As an immediate step, SWAN will post an system wide alert in the My Account section of the catalog. For patrons missing just a handful of titles, there is an option to manually add titles to your history.
In the longer term, we believe our upcoming server migration and change to our hosting will resolve the data and instability issues we're experiencing.