Kanopy is having a great end of the year promotion for any libraries interested our flagship Pay-Per-Use (PPU) streaming video service, which includes over 31,000 films and tv shows. From November 13 – December 22, any library that comes on board will receive their first full month of usage for free. Libraries would just need to agree to receiving their launch email with live link on or before January 15, 2024.
The current SWAN discount for Kanopy is 10%. The discount increases as more libraries purchase Kanopy! The next discount is 15%.
Paula Roman will be hosting a virtual session for any public library interested in the Kanopy Pay-Per-Use or Kanopy PLUS next Tuesday, November 21, at 1:00pm EST. Here is the registration link.
The link to the November recording can be found on our SWAN Group Discounts for E-Resources.
If you have additional questions, please reach us through the help desk help@swanlibraries.net.