Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 1:28 PM | Tara Wood
The 24.04 release of Aspen is live. This release includes the following bug fixes and enhancements.
Aspen Discovery
Format assignments for blu-rays and DVDs
Blu-rays and DVDs that were split from combo packs were being assigned a format of combo pack. These should now be properly assigned formats of DVD, blu-ray, or 4K blu-ray.
Springshare LibCal integration
Events from LibCal were missing the location field when displaying in Aspen; these locations now display.
New permissions dashboard
Users can now view a Permissions Dashboard under More > Permissions. This can help with troubleshooting settings permissions (e.g. screen brightness) for a users individual device.
Bug fixes
- Select menus for pickup locations, volumes, and linked accounts were not scrolling; this is fixed.
- Cover images on the Holds screen were sometimes displaying incorrectly; this has been fixed.
- Facets were sometimes applying incorrectly and not limiting results; this has been fixed.