We're currently experiencing an outage of the SWAN Phone Notice Dialer, also known as SVA. Some phone notices expected by patrons today may have been delayed as a result of the outage and should go out tomorrow or as soon as the outage has been resolved. If we are unable to resolve the outage by scheduled hold notices tomorrow at 2pm, we will investigate alternate methods for sending the affected notices and update this known issue accordingly.
SMS, email, and print notices are not affected by this outage.
**RESOLVED 1/16/21 at 2:30PM**
SWAN's Phone Notice Dialer services have been restored. As of 2PM, it has been calling patrons successfully and receiving calls. The dialer will handle all hold notices for today, 1/16 as expected, including those holds that became available this morning,
Please email help@swanlibraries.net if you have any questions or encounter any issues with the service.
**UPDATE 1/15/21**
We have taken the following steps to ensure patrons with PHONE as their notice preference will receive a notice:
- Suspended regular SVA Notice reports.
- Created temporary email reports for Overdue and Hold Pickup Notices for patrons with a Notice Preference of PHONE. These will run daily until the issue is resolved. We ran special reports for yesterday’s SVA failed notices.
- Created 2 BLUEcloud Analytics subscriptions to list notices sent to patrons with a Notice Preference of PHONE that do not have an email address in their record. These reports will be delivered to each library via email and will also run daily until the issue is resolved. To avoid emailing Personal Identifiable Information we have only included Patron Barcode in the reports. View the record in WorkFlows for the patron information. Verify the item status before contacting the patron. For hold pickup notices, make sure the patron has not yet picked the item up. For overdue notices, make sure the item is still overdue.