--Concluded Successfully on 2021/07/28 at 7:10AM--
Essential overnight maintenance reports have concluded, so we’ve reenabled the VPN connections to your libraries. You’re free to login to the Symphony/WorkFlows server immediately (Offline mode is no longer necessary).
A few important things to remember:
- You will be prompted to update your staff client upon logging in. Click “No” on the automatic update option. The latest SWAN WorkFlows 3.7.1 client is available in the Software Downloads & Setup section of our support site, and should be installed by August 30th. Following the update of all workstations at your library, don't forget to submit a FormSite survey.
- Thursday morning reports will experience delays due to the extended overnight maintenance process. Please refrain from queuing non-essential reports so that we’re able to catch up quickly.
- BLUECloud Analytics reports may be one day behind but will catch up by Friday morning.
- If you regularly use the Manage Hold Shelf wizard, you'll need to update your WorkFlows client immediately to continue use due an incompatibility with the old 3.6.2 client. Only workstations in the library using Manage Hold Shelf wizard would need to be updated immediately.
Let us know if you have any questions about the upgrade or have encountered any issues by emailing help@swanlibraries.net or by calling us at 844-SWANLIB (844-792-6542).
--Update on 2021/07/28 at 6AM--
The Symphony server has been upgraded successfully, but we ran into some delays which have pushed back our essential overnight maintenance processes. We're leaving the Symphony server offline for a short period longer this morning until those essential reports have completed. We expect to be back online by 9am. In the meantime, if you need to circulate materials via WorkFlows, please use Offline Mode. Additionally the Enterprise and Aspen catalogs are up and accessible to all patrons and staff.
Thank you for your patience throughout the process.
---Update on 2021/07/27---
In preparation for our Symphony 3.7.1 upgrade tonight, the new WorkFlows client installer is now available for download. All libraries must download and install the new WorkFlows client before Monday, August 30th. Until the installation has been completed, outdated clients will receive the error noted below. This error can be ignored until the client has been updated, but please note that all new features and bug fixes noted in the Member Update video will not be available until the client has been updated.
- “The following file needs upgrading. Contact your system administrator. Installation Package”
The latest installation packages can be found in the Software Downloads & Setup section on our support site.
---Original Posting on 2021/06/04---
On Wednesday, July 28th 2021 between 1:00AM and 6:00AM, SirsiDynix will be performing an upgrade of our Symphony server from version 3.6.2 to 3.7.1. This upgrade will require downtime of many SWAN services throughout the overnight hours. The outage will also impact access to the Enterprise and Aspen Catalog, so we’ll post a banner to each to inform patrons of the outage.
Similar to past Symphony upgrades, a new WorkFlows client will be required to take advantage of the new features and bug fixes; however, this client update is not required until after the server upgrade has been completed on July 28th. To avoid version conflicts, the latest SWAN client will not be posted until the week of the upgrade date.
We will summarize the benefits of this upgrade and review the process for updating your WorkFlows client in an upcoming webinar on July 14th at 1:30PM. For those unable to attend, we’ll be posting the recorded webinar on our support site and summarize the benefits in an upcoming news post.
Beginning at 1:00AM on July 28th, the following services will be inaccessible throughout the upgrade:
Aspen & Enterprise Catalog
- My Account functions (holds, payments, lists, etc) and item availability will be unavailable
- Bibliographic record and eRC updates from 7/27 will may not be reflected on 7/28 due to the suspension of catalog harvests during the upgrade
Symphony WorkFlows
- SIP2 & Web Services integrations (including external vendor subscriptions, digital materials access)
- Should the upgrade extend into the next morning, libraries would need to use WorkFlows in Offline Mode
- Morning report schedule on 7/28 will be impacted
- WorkFlows client will prompt for an update following upgrade completion
BLUEcloud Analytics
- July 28th statistics will be off by one day
BLUEcloud Applications
- BLUEcloud Mobile, MobileCirc, BLUEcloud Circ and Cataloging will be unavailable
We’ll send additional SWANcom and Support Site post updates, including one containing the 3.7.1 installation link during the week of the upgrade, so please watch your SWANcoms.
If you have any questions about the upgrade or encounter issues, please contact SWAN Support at 844-SWAN-LIB (792-6542), or submit a ticket via email through help@swanlibraries.net.