We have received the address change data from Unique and will be updating patron records in January, 2022. The number of patron records sent for processing was 970,826. Of those, 107,427 were returned with address changes for a change rate of 11%.
In addition to the new addresses for our patrons, we received geographic/census information on all records sent for processing. This data will be incorporated into all patron records through creation and updating of extended information fields.
- County
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Census Tract
- Census Block
During processing of these records the following updates will occur:
- Address changes will be updated in Address 1
- Previous address on record will be written to a patron note field (SWAN NCOA 2021)
- Extended information fields (County, Longitude, Latitude, Census Tract, Census Block) will be populated
- User Category 6, currently unused will be used to track address changes through NCOA processing
No change to patron status will be made. In the past, we updated patrons with changed addresses to BADADDRESS. This resulted in loss of service to some patrons. With this change, libraries will be able to run reports on User Category 6 to determine which records were updated. It will be under the discretion of each library to decide if they wish to change user status which may result in limiting services.
Given the scope of changes, we are diligently running these changes through our test system before making production changes. Once complete, we will provide an update to the membership.