SWAN plans to make an update to the hold map configuration that will allow your library's items to fulfill holds for your patrons that place holds at a different station library (or library catalog). This update will occur July 24.
Specifically, we will update hold permissions from OWN_LIB to ALL LIBS. This means that where your patron places the hold will not affect how it is filled. Limits by user profile will remain unchanged, so if you have limited your new items to your home library patrons, those limits will stay in place.
Current configuration
Currently, the configuration for most new items is:
- User profile limited to XXX_PATRON
- Permission set to OWN_LIB
This means a user must be both your home library patron and place a hold at your library or library catalog to receive your item.
New configuration
After this change, the configuration would be:
- User profile limited to XXX_PATRON
- Permission set to ALL_LIBS
This means that your items will fill holds for your home library patrons, no matter what catalog or library they used to place the hold.
What else to know
- No action is required from your library.
- This change will not require any downtime.
- This change will not impact the order of patron hold queues -- only what items can fulfill the holds in the queue.
Thank you to Downers Grove Public Library for piloting this change for SWAN libraries. We think this will make holds queues more understandable and work the way most people expect them to work (my patrons can always get my library's items).