Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 8:00 AM | Tara Wood
The 24.08 release of Aspen is live. This release fixes several bugs with Aspen Discovery and Aspen LiDA and lays some initial groundwork for push notifications in Aspen LiDA.
Aspen Discovery
Bug fixes include:
- If a record is identified as both Manga and Graphic Novel, Aspen will prefer the format label of "Manga"
- Fix for automatic login for cloudLibrary
- Bugs with search results for call number, ISSN, and grouped work ID searches,
Accessibility updates include adding the ability to:
- Open/close search filter accordions using the keyboard.
- Tab to the Refresh button on the Holds page.
- Tab to Display/Languages & Display/Languages button in the header.
Aspen LiDA
Bug fixes include updates to:
- Sorting and pagination on the Reading History screen
- Filtering on the Checked Out Titles screen
- Sorting titles on the Hold screen
- Notification permissions screen