We have received the address change data from Unique and will be updating patron records starting today. The number of patron records sent for processing was 917,567. Of those, 31,349 were returned with address changes for a change rate of 3.4%.
In preparation, today we have temporarily disabled the Symphony function to update Last Activity Date when a patron's address information is changed. Once processing begins over the next couple of days, manual address changes may be overridden by this update.
During the processing of these records, the following updates will occur:
- Address changes will be updated in Address 1
- Previous address on record will be written to a patron note field: SWAN NCOA 2024
- Extended information fields (Longitude, Latitude, Census Tract, Census Block) will be populated or updated
- User Category 6 will be used to track address changes through NCOA processing
In addition to the new addresses for those patrons, we received geographic/census information for all patrons. This data will be incorporated into all patron records by creating and updating these extended information fields:
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Census Tract
- Census Block
We will not be updating patron status during this process. In the past, we updated patrons with changed addresses to BADADDRESS that resulted in loss of service to some patrons. Refer to the Patron Record Maintenance page for more information about the process and recommended actions for review and action.
Thank you for your patience as we perform the updates. We will provide further information as the project progresses.