SWAN Board Electronic Attendance Policy
Note: SWAN Board was initially called the SWAN Administrators' Council in 2010.
Resolution Establishing the Process for SWAN Administrators' Council Participation by Electronic Means in Meetings
WHEREAS, the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1 et seq., allows for participation of members of a public body in a meeting via electronic means in certain circumstances; and
WHEREAS, electronic participation, which includes video or audio conference, is allowed if a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present at the location of an open or closed meeting; and
WHEREAS, in order to permit electronic attendance at meetings, the public body must pass rules regarding when electronic participation is permitted; and
WHEREAS, the SWAN Administrators' Council desires to allow for electronic attendance in certain circumstances and in accordance with state law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and SWAN Administrators' Council, as follows:
SECTION 1: That the recitals set forth above are incorporated as Section 1 of this Resolution.
SECTION 2: Notices of meetings to be conducted in which a Council member participates by electronic means shall be given in accordance with the Open Meetings Act Minutes of such meetings shall reflect which Council member(s) attended via electronic means.
SECTION 3: The following rules shall apply for the conduct of any meeting at which any Council member participates via video or audio conference:
A. Except where it is not practicable, the Council member who cannot be physically present at a meeting for one of the reasons described below and who wishes to attend via electronic means shall give notice to the President or Secretary not less than forty-eight ( 48)hours before the meeting date.
B. If the Council member provides notice of electronic participation before the meeting agenda is posted, the names of any Council members who will participate via electronic means shall be listed on the agenda and the agenda shall state whether the Council member is participating via video or audio conference. In all other cases, the Council member presiding at the meeting shall announce the name of the Council member participating via electronic means, the Council member's method of participation and indicate the qualifying reason for it in the record before roll call is taken.
C. Council members may participate in a meeting via electronic means if the members are prevented from physically attending for any of the following reasons:
1. Personal illness or disability;
2. Employment purposes;
3. Absence due to SWAN Council business; or
4. Family or other emergency.
D. At all meetings where a Council member participates via electronic means, all votes shall be taken by roll call vote. The Council member, if participating via audio conference, must, each time he/she wishes to speak, identify himself/herself by name and be recognized by the presiding officer before speaking.
F. The member participating electronically and other members of the Council must be able to communicate effectively, and any members of the audience at the meeting in question must be able to hear all communications at the meeting site. Before allowing electronic attendance at any meeting, the Council shall provide electronic communication equipment adequate to accomplish this objective at the meeting site.
SECTION 4: That the President is authorized and directed to sign and the Secretary is authorized and directed to attest to this Resolution.
SECTION 5: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage.
ADOPTED by the SWAN Council this 2nd day of September, 2010.