Unfortunately, fines payment will not be available in the Aspen catalog for the Cohort 1 libraries' go-live dates. Though the ProPay integration development for Aspen is complete, unexpected delays from ProPay are preventing implementation. SWAN is working hard to investigate every option to make fines payment available as soon as possible, including alternate online e-commerce solutions.
At this point, SWAN recommends that the Cohort 1 libraries continue as planned with the scheduled go-live dates, but with a few modifications to rollout plans.
SWAN will add a link to the fines pages in Aspen pointing patrons to Enterprise to pay fines.
- Patrons will still be able to pay fines online, they will just need to go to Enterprise - this link is now live in the Cohort 1 catalogs.
- Patrons can continue to pay fines through the BLUEcloud Mobile app as well.
Libraries that heavily rely on fines payment - especially those that are not fine free - may want to consider a soft launch:
- Continue to use Enterprise as your default catalog search box
- Add links to your library website to "try the new catalog" instead of replacing all links to Enterprise
- Use either Enterprise or Aspen as your OPAC computer catalog
- Hold off on a major marketing push until fines payment is ready
Of course, your library can also choose to proceed with a full launch, making Aspen your primary catalog.
While we know that it is not ideal to launch without fines payment in place, we believe it is still worth getting Aspen in the hands of your patrons! There are many new features to love, drastically improved searching, and and overall better patron experience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact help@swanlibraries.net.